This iconic property started as a trading post and Texaco gas station in 1938. The Meteor City Trading Post was the first of three Route 66-inspired roadside attractions located only a few miles apart along a 30-mile stretch west on Interstate 40 from Winslow to Flagstaff.
In the middle of the vast Arizona desert stands a giant geodesic dome with a mowhawk, which can be seen for miles. This dome and five Indian teepee attractions drew folks off the highway for decades. Becoming famous for not only the dome with a mowhawk, but for the well stocked trading post, a giant dream catcher, giant teepees, and great souvenirs. In 1941 Joe Sharber, the Texaco station owner, sold the place to Jack Newsum (A.K.A Lonesome Jack). Jack was banking on the idea that he could lure folks off Route 66 to buy souvenirs and groceries while on their way to see the giant Meteor Crater in the desert. It worked!
Lonesome Jack embraced his nickname and put up a sign on the highway that read Meteor City, population 1. It remained that way until Lonesome Jack married Goldie and had to change the sign to population 2. Even for two people it was a vast wilderness of isolation until tourists came by. It was in 1979 that the original rectangular building housing the trading post was replaced by an incredible, giant geodesic dome with a huge mowhawk on top.
It is unknown how many lives have been enlivened by visiting Meteor City, but there have been a handful of brave souls that have chosen to own the place just to put a smile on someone's face. Over the years, each owner has added their personal touch to thrill the tourists. Even though many of those years it languished unmanned under the harshest of elements and vandalism, the once bright and lively tourist spot couldn't be forgotten.
Today, Meteor City is owned and operated by the Dole family, proprietors of several other unique and historic tourist attractions. With a keen eye for detail and zeal for entertaining folks, the Dole Family has brought Meteor City back to life — even thrusting it back to the prehistoric past. They welcome you to stop by and see what's happening at the Historic Meteor City.